Daily Archives: April 22, 2014

sign this petition to ban shock on children with disabilities!


Here’s what I wrote:

Are you kidding? ECT is NOT “treatment”! Even if a person is “put under,” it’s torture. It does nothing to cure depression. It made me into a basket case and I spoke jibberish for an entire year and a half. Please, end this abuse now and NEVER, ever use this method on anyone. Those “doctors” that claim this is a “cure” and do it to hundreds of people should be punished in high courts. Why do we glorify them as gods? Why do we even call them “doctors”?

The name of the “shock doc” at McLean…I’m trying to recall now….Oh, I can recall his face but not the name.   Oh, now I recall.  Micheal Henry.  As they say to us PRISONERS, as if we are in kindergarten,

“Michael, you NEED to go to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect even a measly $200. Are you kidding?  You don’t deserve even that.  ECT is torture. C’mon now, Michael….Time’s up. Here’s your needle. Now pick out a nice dream.”

To the cop I saw in the store last night

To the cop I saw in the store last night

Yesterday being the day of the Boston Marathon,
With our cops busy, that hero, standing in the aisle,
Looking over the racks of snack food,
Or pretending to.

The cops in this town assume they are so, so important,
And I so small
This one, so puffed up and self-important
He looked, and saw right through me
As if I weren’t there.

My Country ‘Tis of Thee
Sweet Land of Liberty!

And his gun, such a pistol!
What a Land to behold!
Such Second Amendment Rights!
And to speak of Rights
It’s a crime, you know,
To speak of any other Right
Except of the Rights
Of those Watertown Strong Cops
To hold guns Against the Criminals
Here in this town.

The beaten down, the poor, the tired,
The hungry, the lonely.
Those overlooked…..

I’m the one you didn’t even see
In the store last night,
And no one cares anymore.