Four years of insomnia

It’s been nearly four years now. I apologize for stating before that I had cured my insomnia. Sorry to say, wishful thinking had taken over and I know now I jumped to conclusions too soon. I do think that light therapy will help anyone train themselves when to sleep and when to be awake, however, I began to realize not long ago that my method hadn’t really done much to improve my sleep. I think that lowering lights at night will surely help someone with intermittent insomnia or that which isn’t as consistent as mine is.

I have never known anyone who truly couldn’t sleep due to “overactive mind.” I have known many who were misled into blaming themselves for “inability to relax.” However, this is what the establishment wants people to believe. They want people taking more drugs and submitting more and more to therapy and MH diagnosis. It’s very easy to refuse to look at the physical causes and send everyone to shrinks.

Have you been to your primary care doctor to ask about insomnia? What did he/she say? Did he suggest psychiatry or a “therapist”? Or did he prescribe sedatives? Don’t you wish they’d get off their asses and find out what’s behind sleeplessness instead of assuming we are a bunch of mental sickos?

I’ve been looking into the various possible physical causes. There is so much evidence that points to glandular problems as probable cause. Looking into this seems far more reasonable than prescribing harmful drugs or forcing a person into therapy, when none of this has anything to do with “relaxing the mind.”

Are there any medical people out there who are willing to look for physical causes for insomnia? If you are a doctor, what do you say to a person who comes in saying they cannot sleep? Do you immediately refer the person to a shrink? Or do you give the person an examination and also substantial tests to investigate the REAL cause? Do you treat your insomniac patients as  drug seeking? Do you take their complaints seriously?

I am looking for a doctor or herbalist who goes beyond the prescription pad and instead, seeks the underlying cause. If anyone out there knows anyone who absolutely will NOT prescribe sedatives nor psych meds, nor send a person to a shrink and will not betray confidentiality should I reveal past shrinkage, let me know. Oh, by the way, I don’t pay insanely high prices for folks claiming to be “alternative” nor do I see pseudoshrinks such as faith healers, energy healers, hypnotists, psychics, or “intuitives.” God knows shrinks do enough guesswork. I don’t need more.

Posted on June 6, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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